Exchange Server licensing offers two types of server licenses and client access licenses (CALs) for user or device access.
Server Licenses:
Standard Edition: Designed for small to medium-sized organizations, it supports mailbox functionality and other roles in larger Exchange deployments. This edition allows for 1 to 5 mailbox databases.
Enterprise Edition: Geared towards larger organizations, it provides support for more mailbox databases, ranging from 1 to 100.
Client Access Licenses (CALs): CALs are required for each user or device accessing the Exchange Server. Two types of CALs are available, and they are compatible with both server editions:
Standard CAL: Enhances user productivity across platforms, browsers, and mobile devices. It includes features that facilitate efficient work regardless of the user's location, while ensuring data protection. Users must have a Standard CAL to access its features.
Enterprise CAL: Helps organizations reduce costs and complexity in meeting regulatory compliance requirements. It offers integrated archiving and information protection capabilities. The Enterprise CAL is an add-on to the Standard CAL, meaning users must have both types of CALs to access Enterprise CAL features.
Customers should review the official licensing documentation and consult with a Microsoft licensing specialist to ensure compliance and determine the most suitable licensing approach for their specific requirements.
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Licensing Exchange Server 2019 on-premises