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MS Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Did you know, that using a hybrid Cloud solutions, instead of only a Cloud solutions can save up 30% of your budget?!
If you are looking for the best licensing solution for your organization, we are the supplier you are looking for!
We have the knowledge, the pre-owned licences (in stock) and even the subscription licences like O365.

With regard to the Cloud, there are many organizations that have taken the step to the Cloud.
The costs are usually higher than planned. Where the possibilities of the hybrid Cloud are insufficiently explored.

With this calculator, you can see for yourself, what the savingspotential is when using the Hybrid Cloud instead of Cloud alone.

Using on-premise licences makes it possible to downgrade your Cloud subscription and that saves a lot of money.

Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Calculator

Choose your Cloud solution (not hybrid) and period(Required)
Wpisz liczbę z zakresu 10-10 000

What savings potential does the hybrid cloud bring you?

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